US – Affirmation by the White House of support to multilateral export control regimes


In a Memorandum dated 23 February 2023, the US President has replaced the 2018 United States Conventional Arms Transfer (CAT) Policy that establishes the executive branch’s priorities and rationale for adjudicating the export of conventional arms. The transfer of defense articles and services is considered by the US as being an important tool for achieving United States foreign policy and national security objectives by helping allies and partners increase their contributions to global security, as well as by promoting shared interests with allies and partners.

With regard to multilateral export control regimes, the Policy states the following:

“The United States will continue participation in and support for multilateral, regional, and sub-regional arrangements that contribute to the objectives and interests outlined in this policy, such as the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms; the United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures; the United Nations Principles for Transactions Linked to Foreign Government End‑Users for Products or Services with Surveillance Capabilities; regional initiatives that enhance transparency in conventional arms transactions; the Missile Technology Control Regime; the Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies; the Inter-American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Weapons Acquisitions; and any other relevant or successor arrangements.

Such multilateral arrangements promote common national policies of restraint against the transfer of armaments and sensitive dual‑use goods and technologies to states whose conduct is cause for serious concern. The United States will work bilaterally and multilaterally to assist other countries transferring conventional arms in developing effective export control mechanisms in support of responsible export policies that align with those of the United States and the highest possible common international standards for regulating the international trade in conventional arms.”

Source: Memorandum on United States Conventional Arms Transfer Policy, 23 Feb 2023

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